09 418 3718

Constipation in Infants and Children


Constipation is defined as the infrequent passage of a firm or hard stool. An infant should have multiple bowel movements per day. As children grow older the frequency should decrease to no less than once per day and the consistency should be soft and effortless. Straining, pain with passing stool, pebble-like stool, or streaks of blood along the stool are signs of constipation at any age.

Constipation in pediatric patients is estimated to be between 5% and 10%. It is the second most referred condition in pediatric, accounting for up to 25% of all visits. Above all, the rate for constipation in the first year of life is 2.9%, and in the second year of life, the rate is 10.1%.

Functional constipation is the most common type of constipation in any age group and is caused by painful bowel movements that prompt the child to voluntarily withhold stool. To avoid painful bowel movement the infant will contract the anal sphincter to avoid passing stool, hence constipation and in many cases abdominal pain.


Causes of constipation in children

1. Changing from breast milk to formula.
2. Food allergies
3. Dehydration
4. Stress from caregiver
5. Intestinal infections such as parasites
6. Distress
7. Spinal misalignment

While acute constipation might be just uncomfortable, chronic constipation may cause complications to a child’s health. As a result, some of these may include; rectal prolapse, anal fissures, and stool withholding.


What can you do?

1) A proper diet

To prevent chronic constipation from occurring in children it is important that we educate families on a proper diet. This may include a high fiber diet which helps infants and children form soft, bulky stools. Food such as:

1. Beans
2. Whole grain
3. Fruits – apples and ripe soft pears
4. Vegetables
5. Prunes
6. Raisins
7. Rhubarb
8. Blackstrap molasses
9. Sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds


2) Exercises and Chiropractic care

1. Get their spine checked by a Chiropractor (explained further below)
2. Exercise and stretch them

Examples of exercises for babies
Examples of exercises for babies

3. Massage them – massage to encourage bowel movements

A massage for babies

4. Give them plenty of fluids



However even if we change everything in the diet and do everything else possible, wanted changes may not be observed. It may also be beneficial to check the child’s spine for misalignments that are creating interference and dysfunction in the nervous system thus not allowing the body to work properly and efficiently. A study was done on pediatric patients below the age of 2 with chronic constipation, defined by bowel movements of once per week. With changes to their diet (e.g fiber and fluid intake) as well as medical advice, no noticeable change was observed. However, under Chiropractic care bowel movements increased in frequency to 1 – 2 days without straining or pain.


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