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Musculoskeletal stuff

Sciatica is when the sciatic nerve is being irritated. This nerve starts from the low back and runs through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. The irritation of the sciatic nerve can often lead to pain, numbness or tingling down the affected leg. In severe cases it may even lead to weakness.

Sciatica is often caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. This can be caused by disc herniations, bone spurs from degeneration and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the vertebral and intervertebral foramen).

Structural chiropractic works very well for sciatica because it looks into correcting the cause of all this. By restoring optimal structure and function of the spine it allows the spine to support itself better through strengthening the deep spinal muscles. By doing so the spine is stronger and can support itself better thus allowing optimal space for the nerves to run through the foramens.

Piriformis syndrome is when the piriformis muscle is in spasm. Because of this buttock pain is one of the most common symptoms. However, it can also present with pain, numbness and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot, similar to sciatic pain, as it the spasm can irritate the sciatic nerve.

The definition of piriformis syndrome is when the piriformis muscle is in spasm, so on face value it’s a muscular issue. However, if we look into a deeper level at what causes these spasms, most of the time it is due to misalignment and structural issues that causes these problems. People often mistake that sciatica is a condition where as it is actually a symptom. Many things can cause sciatica such as piriformis syndrome, foramen steinosis, disc herniations and many more.

Structural Chiropractic investigates the cause of the issue, finding where the misalignments are and adjusts them. This can create optimal muscle tension that is attached on the joints. This way spasms are less likely to happen. It also creates optimal movements in the joint so it can move freely. So it reduces the chance of the piriformis from over working thus leading to spasms.

Disc herniation, disc prolapse and slipped discs are all the same things just different names. A vertebral disc is made from two main parts: the nucleus pulposus (the liquid in the centre of the disc) and the outer annulus fibres. A disc herniation is when the nucleus pulposus leaks out of the weak disc and compresses on the nerves. As a result, back pain, extremity numbness, tingling and even weakness in severe cases.

Disc herniations can occur in both the neck and the low back. Usually disc herniation in the neck occurs due to repetitive stress that leads to degeneration. While lumbar disc herniation is usually caused by incorrect lifting technique i.e twisting your back while lifting something off the floor.

Structural chiropractic helps with disc herniations as looks at stabilizing the spine. This is especially effective for disc herniations as herniations are often caused by spinal instability. By creating proper motion in the spine, the surrounding muscles around the spine strengthen. This results in the spine being properly stabilized thus allowing healing to happen as much as possible rather than being repetitively stress.

Trauma produces the most common form of disc injury such as twists, bends and falls. Spinal misalignments can cause disc tissue to adapt into a wedge-like shape. This is the earliest stage of disc damage. While this position can encroach upon adjacent nerve tissue, pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present. Even before symptoms appear, chiropractic care can be helpful. Like a blister, disc tissue can bulge. As the soft nucleus of the disc is compressed, it pushes outward where the disc wall is weakest. This distortion can produce obvious symptoms (sciatica) as it affects nerves nearby. Muscles tighten to protect and splint the joint. Chiropractic care has been known to help.

A cervical disc herniation would give you either mild pain and/or stiffness symptoms.. or it would give you severe pain symptoms with or without numbness and tingling down either arm. That’s why you need the help of a health professional who knows this condition very well to tell you what’s going on and how to fix it.

Most cervical disc herniations are misdiagnosed and therefore mistreated.
Sometimes your symptoms may go away on their own or with treatment that is not actually fixing the problem… that doesn’t mean that the condition is any better inside or it wouldn’t come back. In fact, it can come back with vengeance.

An intervertebral disc in the spine is very strong and sturdy. It would take a huge amount of force or lots of repetitive abnormal forces to herniate/injure a disc. So most people with disc herniations in their spine have had abnormal biomechanics and joint movement that has lead to the destruction and injury of the discs over years.

Improving this condition is absolutely possible. But patience is key! As it’s probably taken a long time for the discs to get injured and finally herniate and show you symptoms of neck and back pain, achiness, numbness or tingling down the arms… it’s going to take some time to fix it properly. Especially as the discs in the spine don’t get very good blood flow.

Blood carries nutrients… and for things to improve and heal.. they require nutrients so they require good blood flow.

The body will give on and off symptoms of pain and/or tightness and stiffness for some time before the damage inside gets too much… and that’s where the discs get to a state where they are bulging or herniating to an extent where they are pressing on nerves.. which sometimes would give mild symptoms of pain and sometimes severe symptoms of pain, numbness and tingling down the arm.

So do your spine a favour and get it checked early! The earlier the better.. and stay on top of it.

Facet joint syndrome doesn’t only happen in the neck, it can happen anywhere in the spine but most commonly seen in the lower cervical spine and lower lumbar spine. Facet joint syndrome is a degenerative condition of the spine that can be a significant source of back and neck pain.

This condition can take years of instability and weakness to eventuate.

What causes these instabilities and weaknesses?

Lack of joint motion is due to:

  • Abnormal spinal structure (abnormalities in the spinal curves)
  • Repetitive postural stress
  • Motor vehicle accidents that cause whiplash or other significant injuries
  • Other direct impact or trauma to the neck

Lower back pain is caused by overused muscles that lead to constant inflammation. Many things can cause overused muscles such as consistent lifting, repetitive movements, staying in one position too long or bad posture. Another contribution would be joint dysfunction/misalignments/subluxations. This is because, the muscles attached to the spine will be in uneven tension causing one part or side of the muscle being constantly engaged.

Low back stiffness is when there is difficulty moving the low back. This is often seen with a lack of Range of Motion. Joint instability, joint locking, muscle spasm, degeneration are just some of the reason why you are going through low back stiffness. However, it may not always be painful.

Structural chiropractic works very well for lower back pain & stiffness because it looks into correcting the cause of all this. By restoring optimal structure and function of the spine it allows the spine to support itself better through strengthening the deep spinal muscles. Whether the joint is locked up or unstable, the joints, ligaments and muscles are strengthened through adjustments. By doing so the spine is stronger and can support itself better thus allowing optimal muscle. Thus gradually reducing stiffness

Lumbar facet syndrome is when the facet joints, located at the back of the vertebra, become inflamed. This can lead to a series of issues such has localised low back pain and leg pain too. However, unlike typical sciatica and disc herniations, the leg pain that comes with facet syndrome is located only at the back of the thigh and ends around the knee.

Multiple factors can bring lead to Lumbar Facet Syndrome, including:

  • Repetitive extension of the low back.
  • Traumatic Incidents
  • Poor posture
  • Aging
  • Other spinal injuries such as degeneration and spondylolisthesis

Structural chiropractic works great for lumbar facet syndrome because it looks at the root of the problem. If we look at the reasons listed above, all the issues stem from locking of the spinal joints thus leading to improper movement. Structural chiropractors are trained to find where all these issues are and unlock the joint so the joints can function correctly thus leading to spinal strengthening from the inside.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is your jaw joint that connects your mandible (jaw) to your skull. This is a sliding hinge joint that should glide smoothly as you open and close your jaw. TMJ dysfunction is any dysfunction of this joint or the surrounding muscles that control the movement of the jaw. This can cause:

  • Pain at the jaw joint or surrounding muscles
  • Pain when talking, eating, or yawning
  • Swelling at the joint
  • Clicking or popping when opening or closing the mouth
  • Locking of the jaw
  • Irregular motion of the jaw
There are numerous things that can contribute to TMJ dysfunction, these include:
  • Jaw injury
  • Arthritis
  • Genetics
  • Clenching or grinding of the teeth
  • Overuse of the jaw

Structural chiropractic is all about returning proper motion to joints, and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments of joints. This is not only true for the spine, but all joints in our body, including the TMJ. By restoring proper movement and strengthening the surrounding structures, this not only reduces symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, but gets to the root cause of the issue, which prevents it from reoccurring in the future.

Your neck is the most vulnerable part of your spine. Not only does it support your 5kg head, maintain gentle forward curve but it must also allow the free flow of nerve impulses to the head, face and body. Besides discomfort and pain, neck pain indicates that something is wrong.

Many everyday things such as watching TV, using mobile devices, using computers or falling asleep on a chair in a improper position. The temporary pain that may resolve temporarily but may also indicate a more serious underlying issue. The most common cause of neck pain is functional distortions in the spine which manifest as forward head carriage, whiplash and joint instability. The body responds by tightening muscles in the neck ‘splinting’ the joint to protect it from further insult.

Most of the pain – sensing nerves in the neck are located in the pairs of joints behind each vertebra. The smooth, interlocking surfaces allow you to rotate your head and bend your head up and down. If these joints become locked or fixated, neck pain can result. Chiropractic can help restore proper joint motion.

A more difficult problem to address is the degenerative changes that result from neglect. Years of uncorrected spinal problems can cause bone spurs, disc thinning and other forms of spinal decay. These types of problems respond more slowly to Chiropractic.

Millions of people choose Chiropractic care. Specific Chiropractic Adjustments can help improve pain not just coming from the neck area, but also your spinal function.

Chiropractic is safe. Chiropractic is natural. Chiropractic looks to correct the underlying cause of the problem.

Book an appointment with Revolution Chiropractic to find out how we can help any neck pain that you have been struggling with.

Neck sprain is when the ligaments in the neck are over stretched. This causes the fibres in the ligament to tear apart. As a result, inflammatory symptoms start occurring such as pain, redness, stiffness, and heat. Neck sprains tend to hurt more with movement and even when static, a dull ache is still present

What attributes to neck sprains?

Multiple factors can bring on neck sprains, including:

  • sudden movement of the head
  • traumatic incidents
  • staying in awkward positions for too long
  • repetitive movement

Neck Stiffness

If you’re suffering from neck and shoulder/upper back tightness on and off, you may not think much of it. You may take a pain killer or a muscle relaxant, do a couple of stretches and brush it off.

But you may just be making things worse as the on and off tightness and stiffness becomes on and off dull pain. The on and off dull pain becomes on and off sharp pain. The on and off sharp pain becomes persistent pain… and so on. Usually the reason for muscle tightness or neck stiffness comes from a weakness and deep instability inside your spine which can be destroying your spine from the inside without your awareness.

I’m sure many of us have heard of the phrase, prevention is the best form of treatment. Structural chiropractic work so well for neck sprain because it helps strengthen the spine in the first place. This means that you are less susceptible to injure your neck. Additionally, if you have sprained your neck, your joints will have locked up. By creating movement in the joint as soon as possible in the safest way, it allows for healing to occur faster as your body will be able to strengthen quickly from the inside.

Whiplash is an abrupt acceleration-deceleration force, that causes a forward and backward movement of the head and neck can cause a whiplash injury. It’s important to note that a whiplash injury is usually accompanied by concussion (a concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function). A whiplash injury can have short term and long term repercussions and side effects if not treated properly which in most cases it is not.

Usually when someone suffers a motor vehicle accident (depending on the severity of the accident), they will either:

  • Not get checked by any health professional
  • Take some medication without seeing their GP
  • Visit their GP and take the prescription
  • Visit a physiotherapist
  • Visit a Chiropractor

Structural Chiropractors recognise the need for structural integrity and that if the person does not fully recover from a whiplash injury, they may continue to have problems for years after the accident.

Whiplash does not only cause pain and discomfort in the neck, but can also cause:

  • Concussion (as mentioned earlier in this article)
  • Spasmodic Torticollis (Wry Neck)
  • Dizziness
  • Hearing loss for low frequencies,
  • Dysphonia (difficulty speaking)
  • Globus (a sensation of something stuck or of a lump or tightness in the throat).

Begin Chiropractic care early – within a week of being injured from whiplash. At Revolution Chiropractic once we’ve performed a thorough consultation and examination, we compose all our findings and present you with a detailed report of diagnosis and recommendations to go along with it such as:

  • Structural exercises and stretches to supplement your chiropractic care to normalise your spine once again
  • Nutritional supplementations to help healing
  • Proper ergonomics on sit, stand and sleep
  • Other lifestyle recommendations (whatever is relatable and will help you)

After each treatment in our office you will also be going straight onto your in-office rehabilitation devices and exercises.


Some of the most common types of shoulder pain include:

  • Dislocated Shoulder
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Shoulder Bursae
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Strains & Sprains
  • Tendinitis

Frozen shoulder is an exceptionally painful condition faced by clients that come to our chiropractic clinic. In addition to being very painful, it can also be debilitating and disabling. Ordinary activities like putting on a shirt or even brushing your hair can be an ordeal. It can also cause sleep disturbance and insomnia. Without proper treatment and intervention, frozen shoulder pain can persist for years.

The majority of frozen shoulder cases (as well as shoulder pain in general) are related to an irritation of the nerves in the upper back (thoracic spine) and/or lower neck. When shoulder pain has its origins in the back and spinal area, chiropractic care can be highly effective for shoulder pain treatment and shoulder pain relief.

Your chiropractor in Auckland is highly versed in a range of interventions for effective shoulder pain treatment and shoulder pain relief. A first rib subluxation is often at the root of a frozen shoulder and many other types of shoulder pain.

No matter what your specific shoulder issue, your chiropractor in Auckland will begin with a targeted diagnosis and determination of where the source of the irritation begins. Shoulder pain is usually due to an irritation of the nerves, tendons, muscles, ligaments or capsule area.
In some cases, the problem is located on the cervical spine or near the acromioclavicular joint. These areas will all be carefully examined to ensure an accurate diagnosis. The triceps muscle located in the upper arm may also be involved, as well as the subscapularis muscle underneath the shoulder blade.

Once a diagnosis of the precise physical cause is made, treatment for shoulder pain can begin. While relief will begin after the first adjustment, a series of chiropractic adjustments may be required to help your shoulder pain issue to resolve completely.

Arm pain, numbness or tingling can have a few different causes.

One would be that an intervertebral disc inside the spine has bulges or herniated and is pressing on the nerves that innervate the arms/hands.

Another cause could be tightness of chest and/or neck muscles that create thoracic outlet syndrome which can cause arm/hand pain, numbness and tingling.

Both of these conditions have an underlying weakness and structural issue that can absolutely be corrected, given the right advice and care.

The problem these days is that people are misdiagnosed, mistreated and misguided; leading to a disaster that they may not be aware of at first but have to deal with later in life. So it’s best to get yourself checked early – the earlier the better – and stay on top of it!


Chiropractic care for children is very gentle and precise as it is done without any cracking. It is a powerful way for parents to help their child heal naturally and develop superiorly.

The general population have a very false idea about what Chiropractic is and what Chiropractors do. Many people think that Chiropractic is all about cracking the bones and usually find it very odd that Chiropractors treat babies. This perception is completely wrong. There is no ‘cracking’ or ‘manipulation’ of the spine in babies and a wide range of techniques can be used for older children too.

Knowing that chiropractic care comes without cracking, a growing percentage of the population is using Chiropractic care from birth and throughout life for a wide variety of health challenges and for preservation of health.

Your baby is born with a very smart and self sufficient nervous system and their nervous system, just like everybody else’s, controls and coordinates everything in their little bodies which includes development and healing. Making sure their nervous system is working optimally can mean that your baby’s brain and body is much more connected and at ease.

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For Babies And Kids:

  • Encourages good neural plasticity (brain and nerve development).
  • Supports overall health and well being.
  • Helps strengthen immunity and potentially reduce the incidence of colds, ear-aches and general illness.
  • Assists with colic and Irritable Baby Syndrome.
  • Helps with asthma, breathing difficulties and allergies.
  • Encourages good spinal posture.
  • Helps improve concentration.
  • Assists with behavioural disorders.
  • Helps alleviate digestive problems.
  • Assists with bed-wetting and sleep issues.

Colic is when a ‘healthy’ baby is frequently crying intensely or being fussy. This can make parenting more difficult as the baby could suddenly throw a temper with no apparent reason. Additionally no amount of comforting or consoling will seem to calm the baby down.

Baby’s have a limited way to communicate how they are feeling. Apart from crying, smiling and laughing that’s really about it. Although there is no obvious reason as to why, we can agree that the baby is possibly not in the most comfortable state. This can be due to allergies and other intolerance. Another reason could be nerve interference and spinal discomfort. Although young babies have to go through plenty of stress in their spine. During birth process, their small heads and body are often squashed in order to emerge from the mother. Because of this, the function of their spine is often compromised, as a result, their nervous system is distorted. This can lead to spinal discomfort improper communication between the brain and the body. In other words, the baby is crying for better and more efficient spinal and nervous system function which can be eased with a baby chiropractor able to assist with colic.

Structural Chiropractic helps with the alignment of the spine. This includes the spines of babies too. Even babies have a range of that is normal. A baby chiropractor for colic restores the integrity of the baby’s spine through a series of gentle adjustments. This results in proper spinal function and allows for the nervous system to function effectively. This may help with the baby’s constant irritation that may be contributing to colic.

Sleep is crucial no matter for babies or adults. This is when the baby develops physically so they can grow bigger and stronger. Sleep is also crucial for brain growth too. During the day, your baby is receiving so much new information that it needs time to process. Sleep is when the baby is able to process everything that he or she has learnt that day. Additionally, sleep is when the different systems of the body (eg. Immune system, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular etc.) also develops and matures. Finally, if your baby is able to sleep more it also helps the parents out too. See a chiropractor that can help your baby by booking an appointment with us.

Each day a baby takes in a lot of new information. This can be overwhelming for the baby. As a result, the nervous system may go into overdrive. This can cause your baby to be anxious, agitated and irritated thus causing your baby not to sleep well. Chiropractic for babies and adults has been proven to regulate the nervous system through gentle adjustment of the spine, as a result, it’ll improve the chances of your baby getting a good nights rest.

Book an appointment to see a chiropractor for your baby today.

Reflux is when the baby’s stomach acid is mixed with food or milk. Baby’s who suffer from reflux often vomit frequent. This is due to the ring on top of the stomach not closing after feeding. They may also display signs and symptoms like arching their backs, refusing to eat, cough and cry excessively. This is because they are in discomfort.

Usually reflux starts at the age of 8 months old and may continue all the way up to 12 months old. This is normal, as their digestive system is not mature enough yet to function properly.

What attributes to babies reflux?

Some reasons include:

  • Schatzki ring (ring on top of stomach) not functioning properly
  • Underdeveloped sphincter ring in Esophagus
  • Gut obstruction
  • Food intolerances
  • Spinal dysfunction

Why does Structural Chiropractic work so well for reflux? 

As you can see there are many reasons why a baby could be suffering from reflux. If the baby’s reflux is caused by spinal dysfunction, structural chiropractic will help. By creating proper function within the spine it is easier for the baby to sit up straighter, this can help with food digestion and food staying in the stomach. Additionally, it can also help the nervous system to function better which may help with digestive issues that the baby is going through.

Have a chiropractor assist in helping your baby with reflux today by booking an appointment.

As each baby develops there are certain milestones that need to be met. Some would be new skills gained, some will be reflexes that shall no longer be there. For example, the suckling and rooting reflexed should disappear in 2-4 months, suspension which may be inhibited in 3-4 months and planting reflex which should no longer be present in 12-24 months.

Some of these may be stepping stones onto more permanent development into the baby’s life such as basic crawling action and gradually transitioning to being able to walk.

Looking at milestones is a good objective way to measure how your baby is developing and whether he or she could be lacking some things compared to baby’s around the same age. If so, it may lead to learning difficulties, social/behavioural issues or even physical disabilities in the future.

What attributes to developmental delay in babies?

Multiple factors can lead to developmental delays, including:

  • Misalignment of their spine and skull bones
  • Birth Trauma
  • Poor nutrition
  • Accidents and falls
  • Environmental injuries during pregnancy
  • Genetics
  • Poor stimulus
  • Environmental issues

Why does chiropractic work to enhance babies development?

The first thing that grows in a baby is the nervous system. Everything that they learn, see, feel, touch, hear and smell goes through the nervous system and is processed by the brain (also part of the nervous system). After integrating all the new information, the baby grows and adapts to their surrounding. It is because of this; the baby can grow to meet these milestones. However, if there are interferences within the nervous system, the baby’s development will be hindered as not all the information can be processed fully and efficiently. By adjusting the spine ever so gently using specific cranial, sacral and spinal techniques we allow the nervous system to function efficiently and cohesively. This can help your baby meet the milestones and develop as healthy as possible!

Similar to Reflux (mentioned above), there are other digestive problems that can occur in a baby. The digestive system starts as soon as food or drinks start to enter the body. Starting from the oesophagus, to the gastrointestinal tracts and all the way to the anus. In between there are other organs that are also part of the digestive system such as liver, pancreas, gall bladder, salivary glands and many more. There are just so many parts to the digestive system.

Some symptoms that your babies digestion system may be going through some issues are difficulty eating, suckling difficulty, constipation, flatulence and diarrhoea.

As each baby develops there are certain milestones that need to be met. Milestones are things like when your baby is supposed to roll over, crawl, walk, talk, potty train etc.
Looking at important occasions is a good objective way to measure how your baby is developing and whether he or she could be lacking some things compared to baby’s around the same age. If so, it may lead to learning difficulties, social/behavioural issues or even physical disabilities in the future.

What attributes to delays in babies?

Multiple factors can lead to delayed milestone achievement, including:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Environmental injuries during pregnancy
  • Genetics
  • Poor stimulus
  • Environmental issues

Why does chiropractic work so well to enhance babies development, aiding in hitting their milestones without delays?

The first thing that grows in a baby is the nervous system. Everything that they learn, see, feel, touch, hear and smell goes through the nervous system and is processed by the brain (also part of the nervous system). After integrating all the new information, the baby grows and adapts to their surrounding. It is because of this; the baby can grow to meet these milestones. However, if there are interferences within the nervous system, the baby’s development will be hindered as not all the information can be processed fully and efficiently. By adjusting the spine ever so gently using specific cranial, sacral and spinal techniques we allow the nervous system to function efficiently and cohesively. This can help your baby meet the milestones and develop as healthy as possible!

Once your baby arrives in the big new world, he/she will definitely get hungry at some point and as a mother breast feeding is the next task. All mother’s around the world would want breastfeeding to go smoothly for both the baby and themselves. Unfortunately, that is not the case all the time.

A latching issue is when the baby is not being feeding properly, this can cause the baby to bite or chew on the nipple rather than gently wrapping the gum around and sucking softly. This can be uncomfortable for both the mother and the baby. The mother will have sore nipples and the baby will struggle being fed.

What attributes to latching issues?

Multiple factors can bring lead to latching issues, including:

  • Poor positioning of mother – Sitting up straight, hunching over doesn’t help
  • Baby’s body and head is not straight
  • Baby’s body is too far
  • Flat or inverted nipples

Why does chiropractic work so well for latching issues?

Chiropractic works great for both the mother and the baby in this instance. Research has shown that chiropractic care helps with firing the extensor muscles in your back. This is extremely helpful for mother and baby as these extensor muscles are responsible for the keeping the back straight. This is extremely helpful on the mother’s side as it allows the mother sit up straight while feeding which leads to easier distribution. Of course making sure the baby is well aligned at a young age also helps with feeding too. It allows the milk to flow through everything smoothly making sure that the baby does not struggles during his/her feeding process. This is why we encourage both baby and mother to get checked after birth to make sure everything functions smoothly right from the start.

Your baby doesn’t need to have a cold to show that their immune system or bodies defence is compromised. Allergic reactions is also a sign of weakness in the immune system. A baby’s immune system doesn’t develop until the age of 3 months.

Before the baby is born, the baby gains it’s immunity or defence from the mother through the placenta. However, afterwards the baby’s defence system is supported by the mother’s breast milk. This is why, breast feeding is encouraged in the first 6 to 12 months after the baby is born.

What attributes to a weak immune system?

Multiple factors can cause a weak defence system, including:

  • Genetics
  • Poor diet from mother
  • Restlessness

Why does chiropractic help this?

Proper spinal function is crucial for the body’s development, especially in a baby. This comes from helping the baby develop a proper spinal structure from the start. The first system that is developed as a foetus is the nervous system. This is because, it controls everything from the development of the cardiovascular system to the immune structure. Chiropractic helps with the function of the nervous system while correcting the spine. If the immune issue is caused by the dysfunction of the spine or interference of the nerves, chiropractic can help restore proper role of the immune system.


Chiropractic care for children (and adults) is very gentle and precise and it is a powerful way for parents to help their child heal naturally. The general population have a very false idea about what Chiropractic is and what Chiropractors do. Many people think that Chiropractic is all about cracking the bones and usually find it very odd that Chiropractors treat babies but this perception is completely wrong. There is no cracking or manipulation of the spine in babies and a wide range of techniques can be used for older children. A growing percentage of the population is using Chiropractic care from birth and throughout life for a wide variety of health challenges and for preservation of health. Your baby is born with a very smart and self sufficient nervous system and their nervous system, just like everybody else’s, controls and coordinates everything in their little bodies, including development and healing. Making sure their nervous system is working optimally, means that your baby’s brain and body is much more connected and at ease. Benefits of chiropractic care for babies and kids:
  • Encourages good neural plasticity (brain and nerve development).
  • Supports overall health and well being.
  • Helps strengthen immunity and potentially reduce the incidence of colds, ear-aches and general illness.
  • Assists with colic and Irritable Baby Syndrome.
  • Helps with asthma, breathing difficulties and allergies.
  • Encourages good spinal posture.
  • Helps improve concentration.
  • Assists with behavioural disorders.
  • Helps alleviate digestive problems.
  • Assists with bed-wetting and sleep issues.
Check out the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association website and the articles below for some great information.

Good posture and balance (especially in kids) is something that is starting to gain more awareness. It is important to develop good posture at a young age. This will allow your child to grow in a better state and have a better structure. This can result in better stability as the curvatures of a properly structured spine can help your child distribute all sorts of stressors that he/she goes through during growth. If the structure of the spine is not optimal, not only posture will be affected, balance will too as the biomechanics of the body will be altered leading to unnecessary stress on the body.

What attributes to bad posture and balance?

Multiple factors can bring lead to bad posture, including:

  • Repetitive movement
  • Static positioning
  • Lack of exercise and movement
  • Phones, tablets, laptops
  • Poor ergonomics

Why does Structural Chiropractic work so well for posture?

Structural chiropractic works great for posture because it looks at the root of the problem. If we look at the reasons listed above, all the issues stem from locking of the spinal joints thus leading to improper movement. Structural chiropractors are trained to find where all these issues are and unlock the joint so the joints can function correctly thus leading to spinal strengthening from the inside. This can allow the child to develop proper curvatures in their spine where needed. This can also make it easier for extensor muscles in the spine to fire and develop, as a result, it will be easier for your child to stand and sit straight. At the same time, it allows for proper weight distribution too.

Sleep is crucial no matter for children or adults. This is when your child develops physically so they can grow bigger and stronger. Sleep is also crucial for brain growth too. During the day, your child is learning through many senses; sight, smell, touch and hearing. Due to the constant introduction of new concepts to the brain, it needs time to process and solidify the new knowledge. Sleep is when your child is able to process everything that he or she has learnt that day. Additionally, sleep is when the different systems of the body (eg. Immune system, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular etc.) also develops and matures.

Why does chiropractic work so well with helping kids sleep better?

Every human being has two states in the nervous system; sympathetic (fight or flight or overactivity) and parasympathetic (rest and digest and relax). Humans are designed to be in the sympathetic state 20% of the time. Each day your child learns a lot of new information. This can be overwhelming. As a result, the nervous system may go into overdrive and be too much in the sympathetic state. This can cause your baby to be anxious, agitated and irritated thus causing your child not to sleep well. Chiropractic has been proven to regulate the nervous system through gentle adjustment of the spine, as a result, it’ll improve the chances of your child getting a good night’s sleep.

Kids enuresis also commonly known as bedwetting is a condition commonly found in children. This is when the child loses control of the bladder especially during the evening. For most children, bedwetting until the age of around 5 or 6 is normal however for some children it may go up to adolescent years. This is when it can be concerning as it can greatly effect the child’s confidence and social ability as they may not feel comfortable going away.

What attributes to enuresis?

Multiple factors can bring lead to milestone issues, including:

  • Nerve interferences
  • Psychological stress
  • Nervous system immaturity
  • Urinary system immaturity

Why does chiropractic work so well for bed wetting?

While chiropractors work with the spine, many people think it is only for spinal issues. In fact, chiropractic can help with the central control system of the body; the nervous system. By providing gentle adjustments in the spine, it allows your child’s spine to develop a healthy structure which also directly effects the function of the nervous system. Additionally, there have been countless studies shows that chiropractic is a great way to assist with enuresis. This is because there are nerves in the spine which directly affect bladder control. Once those interferences are cleared in the body the communication between the brain, nerves and bladder will function more efficiently and more effectively.

Milestones in a child are tasks a kid should be able to do once they reach a certain age. These milestones are a good way to gauge how well your child is developing. Some milestones include basic ones like learning how to crawl, stand, roll and walk. Whilst there are some which are slightly more complex such as fine motor movements which include pincer grips and object manipulation. If these milestones are not achieved or obtained it may lead be a sign of future learning or physical disability

What contributes to milestone issues?

Multiple factors can bring lead to milestone issues, including:

  • Lack of stimulation
  • Genetics
  • Physical developmental issues
  • Brain developmental issues

Why does chiropractic work so well for kids milestone issues?

While chiropractors work with the spine, many people think it is only for spinal issues. In fact, chiropractic can help with the central control system of the body; the nervous system. By providing gentle adjustments in the spine, it allows your child’s spine to develop a healthy structure which also directly effects the function of the nervous system. If the nervous system if functioning more efficiently it gives your child the best chance to develop as there are no interferences in the body. This will allow your child to develop the way it should thus increasing the likelihood of reaching certain milestones along your child’s growth.

A developmental delay or issue in a child can be both physical and mental. Physical deformity may also lead to functional developmental setbacks as well. An example of this is bowed legs. Kids can’t be involved in physical exercise because they can’t walk, run or jump. This may lead to future psychological and mental problems later in life too. This can be the same with all other parts of the body too.

Mental developmental issues are just as significant too. Mental developmental issues can be in both learning and social situations. Both situations are crucial for a child’s development. Learning difficulties can delay a child’s ability to survive and can greatly affect a child’s confidence. Whilst social developmental issues can affect a child’s ability to make friends, communicate and interact with others in society. This can be extremely detrimental as human beings are designed to be successful when working together.

What attributes to kids developmental setbacks?

  • Misalignment of their spine and skull bones
  • Birth Trauma
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Accidents and falls
  • Environmental issues
  • Overuse of technology
  • Lack of attention
  • Physical and mental abuse

Why does chiropractic work so well for developmental delays or issues?

Structural chiropractic works great for physical and mental developmental delay issues because it helps set a good foundation for the body to develop from. The spine is the anchor of the body. This is due to two reasons; the spine can greatly affect the function of the nervous system and secondly it serves as an attachment for all the core muscle groups in the body. By establishing proper function of the spine at a young age, it allows your child’s nervous the best chance to operate properly. It also encourages proper development of muscles and extremity structures as there is a diminished amount of unnecessary stress in your child’s body.

Kids mental development may also stem from dysfunction of the nervous system too. There are two states in the nervous system; parasympathetic and sympathetic. Parasympathetic is then the body is a friendly, unstressed, rest and digest mode. While sympathetic is the opposite where the body is constantly in unease, stressed and fighting for survival. The human body is designed to be in the parasympathetic mode 80% of the time and the remaining 20% in the sympathetic mode. However, when the child is going through mental developmental, the state of the nervous system will be unbalanced.

For example, if the sympathetic nervous system is out of ratio compared to parasympathetic, it may lead to difficulty anxiety and depression. This can definitely effect your child’s ability to communicate and interact with other people in society. This is where chiropractic can help, Chiropractic works with the nervous system through the spine. By adjusting the spine, we can help restore the balance of the nervous system which may gradually assist in improving mental and psychological developmental issues.

A learning difficulty is not only when your child finds it a struggle to retain knowledge. It could be a complication comprehending, understanding or understanding knowledge. All the problems listed can delay your child’s learning abilities.

It is also important to understand what your child is struggling with too. Some children may struggle with numbers whilst others may struggle with reading and writing. Once those problems are identified it is much easier to work out the strength and weakness of your child’s learning capability. More importantly, it makes learning more fun for you child.

What attributes to problems absorbing information?

Multiple factors can bring lead to learning difficulties, including:

  • Genetics (eg. ADHD, Dyslexia)
  • Using phones or devices at too young of an age
  • Concentration issues
  • Physical injuries (concussions)

Why does chiropractic work so well for learning problems? 

Learning difficulties may occur when the baby’s nervous system is not in a balanced state. There are two states in the nervous system for everybody; parasympathetic and sympathetic. Parasympathetic is then the body is a friendly, unstressed, rest and digest mode. While sympathetic is the opposite where the body is constantly in unease, stressed and fighting for survival. The human body is designed to be in the parasympathetic mode 80% of the time and the remaining 20% in the sympathetic mode. However, when the child is going suffering from learning difficulties, the state of the nervous system will be unbalanced.

For example, if the sympathetic nervous system is out of ratio compared to parasympathetic, it may lead to struggles in concentrating (not just in not just in reading/writing) or constant fidgeting. And vice versa, if the parasympathetic nervous system dominates the body too much, it can lead to a lack of motivation when it comes to learning. These factors can delay your child’s learning ability. This is where chiropractic can help, Chiropractic aims to work with the nervous system through the spine. By adjusting the spine, we can help restore the balance of the nervous system which may gradually assist in improving learning difficulties.

Speech is a critical aspect of communication that enables us to express our thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Speech difficulties can arise due to a variety of reasons, such as neurological disorders, developmental delays, or physical impairments. Chiropractic care can be a useful complementary therapy for addressing speech difficulties, particularly in children.

Chiropractic care focuses on the spine and nervous system, which are essential components of speech and language development. Misalignments or subluxations in the spine can interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system, leading to communication difficulties and developmental delays.

Chiropractic adjustments can help to restore proper alignment and function of the spine, which can improve the communication between the brain and the body. This improved communication can lead to better speech and language development in children.

Chiropractors may also recommend other complementary therapies, such as nutritional counseling, exercise programs, and sensory integration therapy, to help address speech difficulties.

It is important to note that chiropractic care is not a cure for speech difficulties, but it can be a helpful complementary therapy for improving speech and language development. If you are considering chiropractic care for your child with speech difficulties, it is important to work with a chiropractor who has experience working with children and who understands the unique challenges that come with speech and language development. It is also important to work closely with your child’s speech therapist to ensure that all therapies are coordinated and complementary.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. Although there is no known cure for autism, chiropractic care has been found to be a helpful complementary therapy for managing the symptoms.

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and drug-free approach to healthcare that focuses on the spine and nervous system. The goal of chiropractic care is to restore proper alignment and function of the spine, which can improve overall health and well-being.

Research has shown that many children with autism have spinal abnormalities, such as misalignments or subluxations. These spinal abnormalities can lead to neurological dysfunction and can exacerbate the symptoms of autism.

Chiropractic care can help to improve the communication between the brain and the body, which can lead to improved social interaction, behavior, and communication in children with autism. Chiropractic adjustments can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common symptoms in children with autism.

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors may also recommend other complementary therapies, such as dietary changes, nutritional supplements, and exercise programs, to help manage the symptoms of autism.

It is important to note that chiropractic care is not a cure for autism, but it can be a helpful complementary therapy for managing the symptoms. If you are considering chiropractic care for your child with autism, it is important to work with a chiropractor who has experience working with children with special needs and who understands the unique challenges that come with autism.


During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. The following changes can result in a misaligned spine or joints:

  • Protruding abdomen and increased back curve
  • Pelvic changes
  • Postural adaptations

Establishing pelvic balance and alignment is another reason to obtain Chiropractic care during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned it may reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint. A misaligned pelvis may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. The Webster Technique is a specialized Chiropractic technique used to on pregnant women to restore normal function of the pelvis so the baby can get into the ideal position for birth.
Potential benefits of Chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reducing the time of labour and delivery
  • Relieving back, neck or joint pain
  • Preventing a potential caesarean delivery

Pregnancy lower back pain is when the low back starts to be uncomfortable as the fetus begins to grow larger. This is present in 40% of the pregnancy population. As this occurs the weight bearing in the body begins to shift and more stress is put into your spine. During the course of pregnancy this will cause extra discomfort in your low back as your body is carrying extra weight that it was not originally designed for.

It is also worthy to know that when pregnancy occurs, there are also plenty of hormonal changes. This leads to more laxity around the ligaments and joints. This is a normal process as the body is preparing itself to give birth. However, this can also lead to weaker joints as the ligament is more lax thus allowing more movement. This additional movement in the body can also cause more stress for the low back spine thus leading to low back soreness and tension.

Why does Structural Chiropractic work so well for lower back pain during pregnancy?

As we mentioned above, during pregnancy hormonal changes take place. This will affect the laxity of the ligaments. This results in joints being unstable. As a result, this may lead to structural shifts in the spine. As the structure of the spine becomes unstable, joints will become locked up leading to the stabilising muscles to gradually become weaker. This means that there will be less and less joint support. Structural chiropractic helps as it accurately locates where the misalignments and structural shifts are occurring. By restoring proper motion in the joints and structure in the spine, the joints stabilising muscles become stronger and provides the spine more stability. This results in more spinal stability and less discomfort in the low back.

SI joint is short for Sacroilliac joint. This joint is located right at the bottom of the spine. It is comprised of three structures; the two ilium and the sacrum in between them. The function of this joint is to transfer force between your upper and lower body. This means that the SI joints are the joints that bears the most weight between the body as it is the main pivot between the upper and lower body.
Due to the change in biomechanics during pregnancy and extra increase in weight, more pressure will be placed on the two SI joints. As a result, it leads too improper weight bearing and movement of the joint.

Why does Structural Chiropractic work so well for SI Joint Paint?

Structural chiropractic looks to correct the cause of SI joint pain as it makes the spine and body more biomechanically functional. Meaning that it corrects the alignment of the SI joints leading to the correction of joint movement, muscles strength, a reduction in muscle tightness and tension and a reduction in the destruction of joints, bones, discs and nerves. This can help your body distribute weight properly during pregnancy leading to less wear and tear.

Pregnancy neck pain and headaches usually first start with stiffness that is experienced in the first trimester. This pain may gradually get worse and eventually lead to neck pain and headaches. Sometimes this discomfort may even travel down through to the shoulders as well.

What attributes to pregnancy related neck pain (and headaches)?

Some reasons include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Biomechanical Changes in the spine
  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor nutrition
  • Food

Why does Structural Chiropractic work well for pregnancy related neck pain and headaches?

The two biggest reasons are hormonal changes that lead to biomechanical changes in the spine. As we mentioned above, during pregnancy hormonal changes take place. This will affect the laxity of the ligaments. This results in joints being unstable. As a result, this may lead to structural shifts in the spine. As the structure of the spine becomes unstable, joints will become locked up leading to the stabilising muscles to gradually become weaker. This means that there will be less and less joint support. Structural chiropractic helps as it accurately locates where the misalignments and structural shifts are occurring. By restoring proper motion and function in the joints and structure in the spine, the joint’s stabilising muscles become stronger and provides the spine more stability. This results in more spinal stability thus putting less stress on muscles around the shoulders.

Proper joint movement also facilitates proper nerve function within the body as well. Many headaches are caused from nerve dysfunction. By restoring proper movement, nerve function will be restored. So if the pregnancy headaches are caused by improper spinal movement, structural chiropractic will definitely be able to help with this as well.

Before a mother gives birth, the baby should be in a headfirst position in the mother’s uterus. This process happens naturally just before giving birth. This is the safest way to give birth as there is less risk for both the baby and the mother. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. When the baby does not manage to flip to a head first position before birth in the mother’s uterus, this is called breech or posterior baby.

What attributes to a breech or posterior baby?

Some reasons include:

  • Too little amniotic fluid (baby is unable to direct it self correctly)
  • Too much amniotic fluid (baby is unable to be still as there is too much fluid for it to float in.)
  • Irregular pelvic shape from the mother
  • Fibroids

Why does Structural Chiropractic work well for these types of issues? 

Structural Chiropractic helps with the alignment of the spine, including the pelvis. Having a correct structurally aligned pelvis is crucial before childbirth. This is because, it gives the baby the most optimal space to switch position avoiding a breech or posterior scenario. Additionally, it also allows the baby to grow in the most optimal pelvic position. As a result, it is healthier for the baby.


Your sinuses are hollow spaces in your face and skull bones. There are 4 different pairs of sinuses in your head, and they are named after the bone they are located in. The first is the maxillary sinuses, these are located on either side of your nose, near your cheek bones. These are the largest of your sinuses. The second is your frontal sinuses, these are located above and in between your eyes, at the bottom of your forehead. The third are your ethmoid sinuses, these are located on either side of the bridge of your nose, near your eyes. There are 3 pairs of ethmoid sinuses. These are located in the ethmoid bone which is the bone that separates the nasal cavity from the brain. The fourth is the sphenoid sinuses, which are located behind your eyes, deeper into your skull. All together these are called the paranasal sinuses however if any infection occurs it can cause Sinusitis.

When you breathe air in through your nose or mouth, it then moves through your sinuses. Your sinuses are also what produce the mucus that coats and lubricates your nasal passage. There are small hairs called cilia that help to move the mucus through the sinuses. The mucus then drains into you nasal passages and then down the back of your throat where it gets swallowed. This helps to keep your nose moist, and filters out dust and bacteria. The sinuses also help to protect your face in case of trauma, help with immunological defence, insulate against rapid temperature changes, lighten the weight of the head, and they give your voice resonance as the air vibrates in your sinuses.

What is Sinusitis?

Sometimes the lining of your sinuses can become infected, causing pain and inflammation, this is called sinusitis. This tends to happen after an infection of your upper airways, such as a common cold, or after having hay fever or some other type of allergy. Viral infections are the most common cause of sinusitis, but it can also be caused by bacterial infections. Some people get this sinus problem more than others, they may even get it after every cold, and there are things that can increase your risk of getting sinusitis. These things include smoking, having allergies, regular use of nasal decongestants, dental disease or infection, a deviated nasal septum (usually due to injury), changes in air pressure (such as during an airplane flight or during scuba diving), spending a lot of time in an environment where lots of germs are likely to be present (such as a daycare), having a condition that weakens your immune system, or a condition that causes ciliary dysmotility (cystic fibrosis or Kartagener’s syndrome). This sinus problem usually develops after a common cold, and this is because the mucus in your sinuses gets thick and sticky. This causes your sinuses not to drain properly, causing a build up of mucus that is usually filled with bacteria. Your maxillary sinuses are the most likely to become infected.

Sinusitis is usually diagnosed from the symptoms. The symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • A feeling of heaviness or fullness in the face
  • Pain or pressure in your forehead, cheeks, or ears
  • Thick, sticky mucus coming from your nose, this may be cloudy or greenish yellow in colour
  • Mucus dripping down the back of your throat, this may give you a sore throat or a cough
  • A blocked nose or runny nose, making it harder to breathe
  • Tenderness in the face, especially around the eyes
  • A headache
  • Loss of taste and/or smell

Less common symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Hoarseness of the voice
  • Fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Toothache

How can chiropractic help with Sinusitis?

There are a few ways that chiropractors can help with sinusitis if it is something you are suffering from. The first is by draining your sinuses. If you are suffering from a sinus problem such as this, it is likely that your sinuses are full of mucus and creating a lot of pain and discomfort. Chiropractors are able to apply pressure to the sinuses in a specific way to help drain the mucus from them. This can provide immediate relief and help alleviate the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the face, as well as making breathing easier.

Another way they can help is by adjusting the bones in your face and skull. Just like they can adjust the bones in your spine, chiropractors are also able to adjust the bones of your face and skull if these have become misaligned. If these bones are misaligned it can leave you more susceptible to your sinuses filling up and becoming infected due to the pressure it causes in the sinuses. Having these bones adjusted can relieve the pressure in the sinuses, providing relief for those suffering with sinusitis, and reducing the chance of the sinuses becoming infected in the first place.

Another way chiropractors can help with sinus problems is by adjusting the rest of the spine. Your spine and your nervous system are very closely related, and if there are areas of your spine that are misaligned, this can cause interference of the nervous system. Your nervous system controls everything in your body, and if it is not working at its best, this can also cause your immune system to be weakened, leaving you more vulnerable to sickness and infection. By adjusting your spine, chiropractors are making sure that your nervous system and therefore your immune system are all functioning well, keeping you well and healthy. This helps reduce the chance of becoming sick and developing sinusitis, and will allow you to heal and recover quicker if you do develop it.

What can you do at home to help with sinus problems? 

  • Get lots of rest to help your body heal and recover faster from the infection.
  • Drink lots of water, as this will help to thin out the mucus in your sinuses.
  • Heat is very helpful. There are a few ways you can use heat. You can have a hot shower. You can put a hot compress or heat pack over your face. You can fill a bowl with hot water and inhale the steam coming off it. Be sure not to burn yourself.
  • Take vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system.

The latest research shows that headaches and migraines are commonly caused by the dysfunction of the brainstem which is located within the first and second bone of your spine at the top of your neck. By making sure the upper neck vertebrae are in the best position possible we are able to re-organize and reset the brainstem and therefore help alleviate headaches and migraines.

Making sure the rest of your spine is in good alignment is also key to keeping this area maintained as well, that’s why we assess your entire spine and nervous system.

Chiropractic treatment can help, and it does NOT have to involve manual adjusting/cracking of the spine. We are experts in spinal alignments and nervous system function. We can perform multitudes of techniques. There’s a good video below for more information about headaches.


Tension headaches can give you mild to moderate pain and can feel like a tight band around the head (a squeeze or a tightening). The main symptom is pain on both sides of the head that may be associated with muscle pain. The pain can be more severe in the front of the head for some and in the back of the head (base of the skull) for others.

What attributes to tension headaches?

Multiple factors can bring on a tension headache, including:

  • stress,
  • inadequate sleep
  • poor posture which relates to lack of joint motion (a misalignment in the spine)
Structural chiropractic looks to correct the cause of tension headaches as it makes the spine and body more biomechanically functional. Meaning that it corrects your spinal curvatures leading to the correction of joint movement, muscles strength, a reduction in muscle tightness and tension and a reduction in the destruction of joints, bones, discs and nerves.

Sinus headaches are a symptom of sinus infections, which cause pressure and pain in your face. Having a cold or allergies increases your risk of sinus infections and headaches. The pain is typically a constant dull ache. However, it can be aggravated through sudden movement of the head.

Structural Chiropractic makes the structure of your spine and body return to normal which makes your nervous system run smoothly. This can help the function of the drainage of the sinuses to prevent recurrent blockages and infections that lead to headaches. Natural and non invasive treatment that has no adverse side effect that make your mind and body functional in many other ways too.



Cluster headaches are very intense and occur in patterns or clustered groups (hence the name).

Bouts of frequent attacks, known as cluster periods, may last from weeks to months that are usually followed by long periods of relief (remission).

Pain is severe on one side of the head, The pain is usually centred over one eye, one temple or the forehead accompanied by symptoms such as nasal discharge or red or tearing eyes.

What attributes to this type of headache?

Multiple factors can bring on a tension headache, including:

  • Alcohol
  • A significant number of people find that strong smelling substances such as petrol, paint fumes,
  • perfume, bleach or solvents
  • Exercising or becoming over heated
  • Smoking

Why does Structural Chiropractic work so well for headaches like this? 

At Revolution Chiropractic we specialise in headache treatment and have successfully eliminated the cause of various types headaches for many of our clients.

Unlike many other healthcare modalities, our treatment works to fix the cause of cluster headaches using structural corrective adjustments and in-office rehabilitation.

Migraine headaches are headaches of varying intensity and can often be accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. They can cause throbbing in one particular area of the head and can vary in intense.

What attributes to migraine headaches?

Multiple factors can bring on a tension headache, including:

  • hormonal changes
  • certain food and drink
  • stress
  • exercise

Why does Structural Chiropractic work so well for migraine headaches?

At Revolution Chiropractic, we have refined and focused our treatment and rehabilitation procedures to restore your spinal curve back to their normal position. Restoring the spinal curves will not only eliminate your headaches, it will correct the underlying cause.


When the spinal curves are in their normal position several things happen:

  • Improved joint motion
  • Improved muscle strength and stabilisation around the spine
  • Improved brain and body connection
  • Decreased muscle tightness and stiffness
  • Decreased abnormal tension on stress on joints/discs/nerves
  • Improvement in posture
  • Improvement and elimination of pain

A concussion is a type of mild traumatic brain injury that occurs due to either a blow to the head, or violent shaking of the head that causes the brain to move back and forth rapidly. Furthermore, concussions can occur with or without loss of consciousness. These issues can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Memory loss, confusion
  • Lack of coordination
  • Mood changes

While these symptoms usually reduce over the weeks following the injury, sometimes symptoms can persist indefinitely, and flare up during times of physical or mental stress. If this is happening you may be diagnosed with something called post concussion syndrome.
If you have suffered an injury to the head it is important you immediately get medically examined to assess the extent of the injury.

How can chiropractic help?

While it is important that you first get medically examined for your concussion, chiropractic can help significantly in the days, weeks, and months following your injury. Suffering an injury to the head can have severe results. It is likely that you have caused misalignments in the vertebra in your neck. An important factor to understand is that the nervous system runs through your spine. This means that when these vertebra become misaligned it interferes with your nervous system. The interference will cause loss to its ability to be able to function at full capacity. Hence why this can be detrimental to your body’s ability to heal from an injury, and can increase the intensity and duration of symptoms. 

Chiropractic adjustments restore proper motion to the joints of the spine allowing the nervous system to flow and function at its best. When the nervous system is functioning correctly this allows the body and brain to be able to heal properly. Therefore it can help to reduce the symptoms associated with a concussion, rather than just covering them up. To find out more about what we do at Revolution, book in for a consultation today.

Other conditions we regularly see at Revolution Chiropractic:


More info about Headaches

How does it all work?

When your joints (any joint) are misaligned, they cannot move correctly. When a joint does not move correctly, the stabilising muscles that support that joint become lazy and weak and the nerve connection to those muscles diminish as it’s not getting used much.

It’s use it or lose it for the body, brain and nerve connections and Just like having a cast on your arm or leg, without moving the joints for just 1-2 months you will see a huge reduction of muscle tone and strength and nerve connectivity. More specific to the spine, without proper movement of the joints and strength of the muscles and ligaments of the spine, the spinal curves lose their most functional shape and instead of acting like springs to distribute everyday forces, all the forces go onto the bones and discs of the spine and cause degeneration, damage/injury and other dysfunctions to occur.

The deep stabilising muscles and their strength and activity are important as when they are not supporting a joint properly a whole host of problems can arise. These muscles keep the joints in their proper position… so when they are weak:

  • The joint is not getting any support.
  • It’s not in it’s optimal position.
  • Keeps locking up and lacks proper movement.
  • The muscles keep getting weaker.
  • The cycle keeps getting worse over time.
  • Creates damage inside the bones, joints, discs and nerves

This weakness and instability within the deep stabilising muscles also creates tightness and stiffness in and around the bigger muscles around the body such as the neck (causing tension headaches), chest, shoulders, lower back, buttock and even arms and legs, creating a whole chain of improper movement and stress through the body.

Revolution is a revolutionary clinic, far more advanced than ordinary health care.
Nobody else does what we do!

Experience a natural approach to spinal health as we expertly address issues in the spine, nerves,
joints, and muscles. From relieving Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pain to addressing Migraines, Tinnitus,
Jaw pain, Heart Burn, Injuries and other Spinal Conditions just to name a few, our advanced methods extend beyond the ordinary, offering comprehensive recovery for your entire body.