09 418 3718

Revolution Chiropractics’ Revolutionary Way

structural correction

What do we do at Revolution Chiropractic and how is this revolutionary?

The primary objective for us at Revolution Chiropractic unlike any other Chiropractic Office is to make sure we reset your structure to normal. Most chiropractor talk about restoring your posture but this is not the same as your structure. Some chiropractors will even go as far as saying that they are restoring your structure but they are not doing anything other than standard adjustments of the spine.
The structure does not change with standard adjustments alone. I’ve spent 5 years analysing and researching this topic and although adjustments are literally the most amazing thing you could do for your body… and they are a great tool for resetting your nervous system and improving mobility and flexibility, reducing pain and discomfort… they won’t be as effective as they can really have the potential to be if you don’t follow up the adjustments with some specific rehabilitation. Also,  structural corrective chiropractors will utilise different adjustments techniques proven to improve your structure. The standard way most chiropractors adjust you just won’t do it.

Firstly let’s clear up some misinformation out there about posture and the correction of it…

Your posture depends on your structure. So any postural things you improve will not be long term if your structure is out. There are many practitioners that are posture focused but from my knowledge and understanding this is kind of a bit of waste of time if your structure is out. & most of these practitioners won’t look at your structure at all, they don’t know how to access your structure and how to correct it. First of all, a structural corrective chiropractic adjustment is needed before you do any rehab otherwise your structure won’t change. How can it when it’s been fixated in one position for years potentially? There is so much adhesion and scar tissue around some of these structural shifts that an superficial exercise won’t have that much effect on.

You need a structural corrective chiropractic adjustment to start the engine. These adjustments literally fire up your joint and muscle receptors. There’s new information being fed from your body to your brain via you nervous system. Then your brain can alter its control of your body / make it more appropriate and better.⁣

So now…what do I mean by structure and what’s a normal structure?

structural chiropractic
Well you see, your spine has 2 primary curves. The ‘Cervical Lordosis’ and the ‘Lumbar Lordosis’ which basically means the ‘neck curve’ and the ‘lower back curve’ (most commonly known as the lower back arch).
A normal structure has these two curves in their correct position and form like the left side of the picture shown.
The right side of the picture as you can see has a different structure. The neck curve looks straightened and it’s forward, the lower back curve also looks straightened and guess what happens to the mid back? It accentuates and you get that ‘bad posture’  or ‘granny hump’ look. Why does this matter and how can it impact your musculoskeletal health and your overall health?

Here is how it all works

When a bone in misaligned, it doesn’t have its proper motion and movement that it normally should have. Why is this important and what can a structural chiropractor do to improve your health? ⁣Well without a properly functioning joint, the muscles that surround that joint become useless. Additionally, they also lose nerve connection to your brain. How? Let’s look at a couple of analogies to understand this. ⁣
1. What happens to the muscles when you break a bone and have to put a cast around it to wait for the bone to repair? The muscles waste away right? They get smaller and weaker. Why? Because without joint activity and movement, muscles don’t need to do anything.⁣
So this is how muscles around a misaligned joint that doesn’t move properly lose their strength. They become weak and are therefore less supportive for your structure, creating abnormalities in your structure⁣
and posture and without the muscle support you will damage joints, bursas, capsules, discs, nerves and all that’s within them. ⁣
2. Muscles and joint have mechanoreceptors that send information up to your brain (via your nerves) so that your brain can alter its control of the body / make it more appropriate and better.⁣
Without joint motion and muscle activity, these receptors also don’t work . Therefore, the brain doesn’t have accurate information from the body. Hence why it doesn’t control the body the best possible way. It’s use it or lose it for the brain, once it’s had a while of lack of proper connection to a part of your body, it will become more and more confused. This will create more compensations in your body which causes tightness and stiffness in your muscles resulting in pain. Your pain may also be coming from repetitive trauma on your joints and all the structures within the joint because of lack of muscular support. ⁣

So at Revolution Chiropractic we take it up a notch

We probably… in fact I’m willing to bet that we have the most thorough process of consultation and examination of any chiropractor in New Zealand at least. Most chiropractors have pre-printed reports they run through with you to tell you what’s going on in your spine. They have pre-printed recommendations on your water intake, caffeine intake, exercises and so on. They do their consult, examination and adjustments in no more than 20 minutes and they’ll have your report done in 5-10 minutes. Thereafter your appointments will be anywhere between 3-5 minutes.
Okay… believe me, I KNOW how amazing chiropractic adjustments can be. Putting in the bare minimum effort gets your a long way and you look like you’re a god sent. What I’m saying here is not to downplay chiropractic at all… I mean I am in LOVE with chiropractic and what it does for us. However at Revolution Chiropractic we like to push chiropractic to highs that most chiropractors don’t bother doing so… it costs them time and money to do so… and quite frankly it’s not as profitable.

So what do we do that’s so different?

Firstly, we like to see the individual for a free consultation and then decide if we can help and inform them how exactly we can help, including costs. This free consultation is 30 minutes long with one of our strutural chiropractors.
Only if you are a good candidate for structural corrective care and you want to fix your issues at their core, we go through to a complete structural examination which includes structural spinal analysis using specialised equipment and x-rays.
After analysing your postural photographs taken in our office and your X-rays in detail plus all the other information acquired during the examination we conduct a thorough report of diagnosis, rehabilitation and recommendations on various parts of your lifestyle. These can be things such as sitting, standing, sleeping, nutrition, supplements, etc.
This process takes up anywhere between 30-90 minutes and your report is detailed to its’ core. It can be anywhere from 10-15 pages long.
We also adjust your spine specific to what’s going on in your structure to correct it as well as restoring your spinal curves to normal again using specialised rehabilitation equipment.⁣

We see all sorts of musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal conditions at Revolution

We see many people with neck or back pain and bulging or herniated discs. Usually they have gone through procedures like microdiscectomies previously who are back to square one a year or two down the road. (Micro-discectomy is surgery to remove herniated disc material that is pressing on a nerve root or the spinal cord). Upon a very detailed examination we find the cause of WHY your discs are herniating to start with. After that we treat the actual CAUSE so that this cycle of herniation, microdiscectomy, herniation, bandage treatment stops.⁣
We also see individuals with pain and problems in other areas of their body. For instance, shoulder pain, knee pain, ankle or foot pain, shin splints, pregnancy related issues. Additionally, there are always those people with things such as:
  • Post concussion syndrome
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • TMJ dysfunctions (jaw pain)
  • Sinusitis and recurrent sinus infections
  • Brain fog which we also help
Of course it is pertinent you see your structural chiropractor for any head or neck related injuries such as concussions and whiplash.
structural chiropractic