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Workplace Ergonomics

What is ergonomics?

Ergonomics is a term that refers to arranging a workplace properly to accommodate a certain individual. Proper ergonomics can eliminate pain, injury and are designed for our bodies requirements. 

Top 5 tips:

  1. Chair  – The ideal chair should have an adjustable seat and back. Your legs should be at a 90 degree angle also allowing your feet to touch the floor. There should be a lumbar support ideally and if not a cushion or rolled up towel can be used for support becoming ergonomic.
  2. Computer screen – Position your monitor so the top of the screen is in line with your eyes. It should be at a 90 degree angle to your level of vision. You should be able to see without straining your eyes or squinting. If you cannot, bring the computer screen forward a little. Keep the computer screen central not to either side.
  3. Do not slouch – Your hips should be as far back into the chair as they can go. Slouching causes extra pressure on the lower back and pelvis area.
  4. Keyboard and mouse – When typing or using a mouse your wrist should be straight in relation to your forearms.  Your elbows should also be close to the body and in a relaxed position. Your elbows should be bent at a 90 degree angle while typing or using a mouse. Keep the mouse close to the keyboard.
  5. Regular breaks –Every hour you are working and sitting, you should take a 5-10 minute break. In this break you should also walk around, stretch or do little exercises.

Workplace Ergonomics Importance

Correct posture helps to keep our bones and joints in the proper alignment. This ensures that our muscles are being used correctly and reduces stress on ligaments. Correct posture also helps to prevent injury such as overuse, muscle strain and pain. Our posture is often neglected as many people work and look down at their phones or laptops as mentioned before. This causes our muscles to be normal in a forward position. The forward head position involves hunched shoulders, neck that sticks out, and head tilting up. These bad examples of bad ergonomics then have side effects such as neck, shoulder and back pain in many people.