09 418 3718

Why Is Chiropractic Not a Treatment?

Each profession has an element that makes it unique, it’s reason it holds a niche in the market. At Revolution Chiropractic we take a distinct approach to your health by determining where shifts in your spinal structure exist and correct them as opposed to directly addressing the symptoms you may present with.


Our goal as structural chiropractors is to help your body work “more normally.” because we know that a spine in better structural alignment and movement is stronger than a spine with abnormal structure and movement.


Symptoms like pain, fatigue, dizziness, digestive upset, and so on, are warning signs. This means your body is giving you issues that are building up. Restoring your body to an optimal spinal structure and reducing stress on your system often has the flow-on effects of improved symptoms because your body doesn’t need to warn you of issues anymore.

The goal of the chiropractic adjustments we use is to allow your body to return to a more normal state. Whereas the goal of a treatment like medication or physiotherapy is often to treat the symptom. For example, we wouldn’t say that eating a salad is a treatment for diabetes.


Blood Sugar


The goal of eating more fresh vegetables is to create normal, healthy functions in an individual whether or not they have diabetes. Because diabetic medication seeks to treat the issue, or symptom of high blood sugar. But doesn’t address the cause of the blood sugar being high in the first place i.e. poor diet, over stressed, lack of daily movement and exercise. Is changing the diet in a person with diabetes helpful for their condition? Very much so, because it helps their body move toward normal.


Are we anti-medication or the treatment approach that other models use? Absolutely not! In the case of a musculoskeletal injury using a treatment approach to target weakness and pain alongside a chiropractic approach to normalise structure can be a very effective approach. Or in the case of the diabetes example, a person with dangerously high blood sugar may need medication. To control the symptoms, whilst they educate themselves on making lifestyle choices to take control of their own health and body!


Your Trusted Auckland Chiropractor

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