09 418 3718

Sitting and Posture Health. Part 2

Poor sitting posture and effects on spine health


Have a desk job and worried about your sitting posture? You are right too! Over time, poor posture from bad habits during everyday activities can wreak havoc on your spine. 

Some examples are listed below:

  • having a desk job.
  • driving.
  • leaning over a cell phone.
  • carrying a bag over the same shoulder.
  • prolonged standing.
  • breastfeeding and caring for small children.
  • even sleeping.

Poor posture can become ingrained, causing and aggravating episodes of back and neck pain and damaging spinal structures. What’s more, damaged spinal structures can have other knock-on effects throughout the rest of the body. The good news is, our spine is adjustable and with a few simple changes, good posture and spine health can be achieved.

This is a continuation of our last blog where we gave you 3 tips on how to reduce the everyday stresses on your spine. Here are 3 more tips!

4.Use posture-friendly props and ergonomic office chairs when sitting.

  • Supportive ergonomic “props” can help to take the strain and load off of the spine. Ergonomic office chairs or chairs with adjustable back support can be used at work.
  • Footrests, portable lumbar back supports, or even a towel or small pillow can be used while sitting in an office chair, on soft furniture, and while driving.
  • Using purses, bags, and backpacks that are designed to minimize back strain can also influence good posture.
  • Proper corrective eyewear, positioning computer screens to your natural, resting eye position can also help to avoid leaning or straining the neck with the head tilted forward. 

    .An example of a posture-friendly props.

5.Increase awareness of posture and ergonomics in everyday settings.

  • Becoming aware of posture and ergonomics at work, at home, and at play is a vital step towards instilling good posture and ergonomic techniques.
  • This includes making conscious connections between episodes of back pain and specific situations where poor posture or ergonomics may be the root cause of the pain.

6.Use exercise to help prevent injury and promote good posture.

  • Regular exercise such as walking, swimming, or bicycling will help the body stay aerobically conditioned, while specific strengthening exercises will help the muscles surrounding the back to stay strong. These benefits of exercise promote good posture, which will, in turn, further help to condition muscles and prevents injury.
  • There are also specific exercises that will help maintain good posture. In particular, a balance of core muscle and back muscle strength is essential to help support the upper body and maintain good po

    Dead bug exercise to improve core strength and posture.

    A plank hold exercise.
    Back extension exercise.

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