09 418 3718

BASICA Active 300g


The Everyday Alkalising Mineral Drink
Based on the original formulations of the world renowned Acid-Alkaline nutritional expert, Dr Ragnar Berg

Every day we are facing an internal challenge; balancing our acid-alkaline levels. The homeostasis of our pH levels is vital for intra and extra-cellular health and organ function. However, research shows that as we age our ability to excrete acids through the kidneys diminishes. The buffering of this acid requires the body to compensate by taking minerals from the skeletal system, especially if our diet is lacking in alkalising nutrients

‘Generally, the Western diet induces a chronic, low-grade acidosis.’

BASICA Active provides the most alkalising and metabolically supportive nutrients. It is an everyday mineral drink, assisting with the acid-alkaline imbalance caused by aging and dietary choices.

BASICA Active:

  • An easy to prepare once a day drink
  • Provides minerals in highly alkalising forms
  • A refreshing, fruity orange taste
  • Dissolves rapidly and clearly
  • Each pack lasts for 30 days
  • Naturally sweetened by Stevia
  • Suitable for diabetics
  • Gluten, dairy, purine and lactose free
  • Vegan formulation
  • Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium

Contains the most alkalising, electrolyte minerals:

  • Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium

alkalizing solution